Shipment Packaging

Branded packaging

If an order comes in packaging with the brand’s logo, 55% of customers are more likely to visit the website again.

With support for both customised boxes and mailers, we make it simple for you to incorporate bespoke packaging.

Your chosen SKU-level packaging preferences are inputted along with the product dimensions and weights using our patented box algorithm, which uses a triple Cubiscan process.


Utilize ready-to-ship kits to customise how your inventory is packaged for clients and hasten delivery.

We enable a range of kitting operations, including building branded boxes, packing numerous SKUs into kits, and labelling and barcoding merchandise.

You can replicate and update previous requests using the Slymzone dashboard’s easy-to-use, transparent kitting process and pricing estimator.

Marketing Inserts

By incorporating marketing inserts for your customers, you may make receiving a box from your company feel like receiving a present.

Take advantage of inserts as a marketing tool by include thank-you letters, special offers, discount codes for future purchases, and even mentions of charities close to your heart.

Customizable gift notes

From the friend wishing you a happy wedding from afar. from a recent graduate’s happy parents. Allowing your gift-giving customers to add their own personal messages to their recipients while checking out can enhance the unwrapping experience.

Want your company to send a gift note? Additionally, you can modify orders before they are packed to include unique gift notes for specific customers.

Gift notes are printed when items are packed and, if wanted, can include your company’s branding.